Tips to shop for Diamond wedding rings on a Budget

wedding rings

Pieces of jewellery are an essential part of any engagement or wedding. Everyone has certain dream ideas about their jewellery and outfit for the big day. But when you have a budget, it is often tricky to realise your dreams. Especially regarding diamond jewellery- it gets difficult to find something you love and within the budget simultaneously. But does that mean your dream of a diamond wedding ring will remain incomplete? That is not the case. With the right approach to shopping for diamonds, you can find something beautiful within a reasonable budget.

Determine a budget

The first and foremost thing to do while shopping for diamond jewellery is to set a realistic budget. Do some research on the minimum price of diamond pieces of jewellery like rings and accordingly set a budget. Do not set a very low budget as that will limit your choices a lot. On the other hand, do not go overboard as there are other expenses related to the wedding to mind. The key is to consider the standard price range of classic diamond rings and accordingly set the budget.

Carat weight of the stone

The carat weight of the stone or stones will affect the price of the diamond ring. Sometimes, a single diamond can cost more than a ring studded with multiple diamonds because of the clarity, quality and carat weight. This is where you must consider the CTW of the diamond. Estimate the carat weight for your women’s plain wedding rings that will suit your budget. Accordingly, start shopping and avoid checking out bigger diamonds at the store.

Substitute for diamonds

These days there are lab-grown diamonds and even other gemstones which look much like diamonds. They are significantly more affordable but look the same. If your priority is the appearance of the stone and not its pedigree, you can consider substitutes when you have a tight budget. You can also consider coloured gemstones which are occasionally more beautiful than diamonds but affordable too.

Shop around a bit

Go shopping for diamond jewellery at the jewellery hubs of your area. Such places have numerous stores which are constantly competing for customers. Hence, when you shop around the place, you can check a variety of designs as well as get an idea about the price range. This also helps you get attractive rebates and discounts which the sellers offer if they feel they might lose a customer. But it is strongly advised to go to the most reputed jewellers even when you shop around to get guaranteed quality.

Clarity of the stone

Last but not least is the clarity of the stone. Organic diamonds have some number of inclusions. But the purer it gets, the higher the price. Do note that even slight inclusion will not be visible to the naked eye, but can significantly lower the price and hence fit your budget. Hence, it is a factor to be considered while shopping.

When you are shopping for engagement rings in London, it is normal to get carried away by the bling around you in Hatton Garden. But if you focus on a budget and have a clear vision of what you want, you can still find your dream engagement ring, without breaking the bank.

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