All You Need To Know About Laminated Card Mailer Services

Laminated Card Mailer

A good way to ensure your direct-mail campaign stands out is by choosing laminated plastic card mailers. These cards are dynamic and feature dynamic printing. Using these mailers will increase the chances of a consumer picking up your ad or catalog. Last year, 44 percent of merchants raised their catalog circulation, and you can take advantage of this trend by using laminated card mailers.


If you have a business that sells gift cards, you should consider using laminated mailer services. One of the benefits is that they’re extremely durable. You can even use a plastic card mailer for a rewards program. This can help you increase your repeat customer base and increase customer loyalty.

Another benefit of laminated postcards is their lower cost per piece, making them more economical than alternative marketing methods. Plastic postcards are also lighter than standard paper postcards, meaning they can be sent without requiring envelopes. In addition, you can print postage labels or barcodes on your postcards, which further cuts down on costs.


If you are running a retail business, laminated mailers are a great way to reach your audience. You can use them for special occasions, promotional items, and more. They’re also great to say thank you or show off your rewards program. You can also use them to spread the word about a new service or product.

To ensure that your marketing materials are readable and durable, choosing a company with experience in mailing laminated mailers is important. Some services can provide a high-quality mailing solution, whether you’re sending a postcard or a laminated card.

Laminating costs vary depending on the size and type of product. There are a lot of companies that offer laminating services at locations all over the country. Some offer self-service options and same-day pickup and delivery.

Laminated card mailer services are a great way to increase your direct-mail response rate. Although consumers receive 454 pieces of marketing mail per year, a laminated plastic postcard is guaranteed to grab their attention. While the average response rate for direct-mail campaigns is only 5%, a laminated mailer can increase this by as much as 50-75%.

Wide Range

Laminated mailers have endless uses in a wide range of businesses. For example, a retail business can use them to promote a new product or special event. Restaurants can use them to advertise their new menu items, a discount, or a customer loyalty program. These mailers can also be used for car dealerships, as they can show off key models.

Another benefit of using laminated mailers is that they can be personalized. This feature allows you to add information about your product or service that the consumer will find valuable. You can even include a link to your website, which can help you target the right audience. A laminated postcard is more likely to grab the consumer’s attention than a standard paper postcard, which makes it a smart marketing strategy.

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